Do you have that awful task to write a storytelling essay as your homework? You do not know how to cope with this task, right? Do not hurry to get disappointed! In this blog, you will get acquainted with basic guidelines on how to write a perfect narrative essay. Moreover, you may even like writing it! So, do not waste your precious time and start learning some valuable details about this specific essay.
What Is This Paper?
It is obvious that before writing you have to get to know some useful information about what a narrative is. First of all, its main purpose is to tell a story. This assignment demands a fictional or a real story that has happened to you. It is also normal if you make up your own story that will be fascinating. All you need is to have a rich imagination. What is more, composing such an essay can be a fun thing if you approach it properly, of course. In order to make this task much easier for you, here are some pieces of advice and paragraphs with useful information that will tell you how to cope with writing an essay step by step.
What Is the Point of It All?
The main point in writing this essay for your school or college teacher is to test your storytelling ability. Therefore, after reading this essay, the teacher should know your skills in connecting a specific element of your daily life to a topic you previously discussed in class. That is why you cannot expect to finish it 5 minutes before the class starts, you have to spend some time thinking about your essay and its components. Alternatively, you can ask for help on
Perfect Topic? Found It!
You have to agree that it is crucial to choose an absorbing topic for your narrative essay. To begin with, this task is often given at school or college, that is why your topic does not have to be hard to understand or with deep sense. Try to choose something kind and even childish. Of course, if you prefer to create a paper about something quite mature, you can do this, but it is a challenging attempt. That is why it will be better to choose a topic that you can be 100% sure in its interesting and understandable plot and main point.
Additional tip: do not choose general topics that demand to write a lot. You are only writing a short story, not a novel. Try to avoid topics like “My Summer Holidays” or “My Last Trip”. There is a great variety of other topics that can be perfect for a narrative essay. For example, these can be “Funny Situation on the Party” or “Unforgettable Evening Walk”. Look, even their headings seem to be intriguing.
If the Topic Is Given, What Should You Do?
If your teacher gives you a topic of your future paper, you have to read it really attentively. Remember, that every word is valid and may help you. Teachers usually give some points which are going to help you. If there are some, try to use them. What is more, even if you have a crazy topic that seems to be an impossible task for you, learn as much as you can from given task. Believe, it is quite a helpful way to step over the usual walls that limit you.
Use Details and Descriptions
Every story has to be full of various stressed points and details. That means that you have to show every pleasant smell or view of something that adds to the feeling of the story and creates the required atmosphere. All these details have to be specific to make your story even more absorbing. For example, instead of writing “there was a rose in the garden” you can write, “there was a wonderful red rose that smelled exactly like the roses grandma was growing while I still was a child.” Now, you have two examples to choose the one you prefer.
In short, your task is to make your story rich with these details, but not let them distract your reader from the actual story. By the way, try to use specific and unusual words. It is much more interesting to read about a fascinating snow-capped mountain peak than about only a mountain.
Thinking About Characters
There is one crucial point here. The matter is that a short story does not have to involve a lot of characters and names. That is why it will be best to limit the number of characters in your story. For example, instead of telling about every classmate, you can choose only one who is the main character or plays the biggest role among other students. Your characters have to be absolutely essential. You can save the other ones for another essay if you want.
Think About the Plot
It is obvious that a story cannot exist without a plot. That is why you have to think attentively about the beginning of the story, the main body, and a conclusion. An important thing to remember: the beginning has to interest a reader from the first sentence. Do not hurry to describe a lot in the first sentence, leave this task for the main body. Traditionally, in the conclusion, you have got to finish your story and write your opinion on it. One more crucial thing is that every story has its point. Briefly, it is the main purpose of the story, things it can teach us. You can use it either in the beginning or in the last sentence of your story. That depends only on your desire.
Use Your Imagination
If you cannot recall in detail some things you would like to include in your story, you can easily use your rich imagination to fill the gaps. You can also add something to the appearance of characters of your story. You are not forced to write only facts that are real. It is one of specific elements of stories, they can be fictional. That means that if you want to describe a pumpkin pie prepared by your granny for Thanksgiving while those were cookies, feel free to imagine it and describe it in your short story.
Do not forget to use extraordinary adjectives to describe it. However, narrative essays typically are non-fictional, what means that you cannot just make up a story. It needs to take place in your life. Force yourself to stay as true as possible to the straight story.
Check After Writing
It is obligatory to check your essay when it is ready. You see, even the most attentive student can make silly mistakes or typos. Check if you have put every article where it is needed and so on. Do not neglect this part because even if the plot is amazing and thrilling, mistakes can spoil your good work and lead to a lower grade.
Congratulations! Now you can write your own intriguing essay. With this in mind, do not waste your time, go and write an excellent story!