In the second part of the article, we are going to say how to deal with stress. See the general exam stress discussion here.
Can a Student Deal With Stress?
First of all, you need to pay attention to physiological features of stress state. As a rule, they are: heavy breathing, slight chilling feel, tension in certain body parts (stomach, face, etc.).
A simple exercise will help you normalize breathing rhythm: breath slowly and deeply during a few minutes. A student might be happy with a sweater even when the weather is hot: it can help them deal with chilling. You can try estimating muscle tension in different parts of your body in order to relax muscles which are tensed too much.
Some students can get paralyzed with the “group” fear, that is why it could be better for them to worry alone: make a few steps aside, walk through the corridor, look through the window. It is not recommended to take any medicine on the exam day without the doctor’s consultation.
First, when you are totally calm, your will to reach success fades away: anxiety can stimulate you.
Second, a student can feel it difficult to concentrate as intended. Funny things can help you deal with worrying, too. Of course, you shouldn’t put a lot of hopes onto those things and avoid exam preparations.
Laughter is good to deny tension, a good comedy movie or TV-show might help. So, if there is a possibility for you to laugh before the exam, things could get seriously better after that.
How Can a Student Become Psychologically Stable?
There are several exercises that can help you strengthen your mental stability.
Exercise 1 (can be performed before going to bed during the exam preparation period):
- You imagine yourself answering confidently and with no hesitation; it is easy for you to find necessary words and thoughts appear in a moment;
- You see and hear not only yourself (and you like yourself!), but teachers as well: they ensure your answers with nods, or maybe even smiles;
- Imagine different location each time: you change the place (familiar and unfamiliar cabinets, classes, halls), change the location of tables, faces of teachers (familiar and unfamiliar ones);
- You imagine that your teachers approve your answers and put the appropriate grade for them; this grade has to be seen and heard in your mind, too.
Exercise 2 (Breathing Exercises):
You should sit down comfortably, close your eyes and relax your muscles. First, your breathing is natural. After 3-5 minutes of breathing exercises, you can add some self-confidence techniques by using appropriate phrases: “I relax and calm down”.
Exercise 3 (Auto-Suggestion Techniques):
Relax and say:
- “My brain works well. My thoughts are clear, I’m confident about myself”;
- “I have a good memory and remember everything I need”;
- “I feel cheerful and self-confident”;
- “My speech is calm, not rushing”;
Exercise 4 (Head Massage)
As a result, many active points located on your head get stimulated. This simple trick helps you improve thinking significantly.